1945 Wisconsin

30Jan - by Marlee Kelly - 0 - In 40s Yale University

Edward Schuh
Interviewed on January 29, 2018
by Marlee Kelly

The first movie I can remember must have been one of the wildlife ones that didn’t really have a name. We didn’t have tv until I was probably in high school and I lived in the country so when I was a kid we didn’t go to the theater.

Thinking back on it, one of the first ones I must have seen would have probably been a Santa Clause one, you know, the clay-mation ones. I don’t think I could tell you which one, I don’t remember a lot of the names, you know. But that had to have been the first one, I had a lot of siblings, so we probably watched it together.

The first movie movie I can remember watching was The Golden Pond, with Henry Fonda. I’m not a big fan of movies, but I like westerns and I liked Henry Fonda in westerns. This one wasn’t a western, but I went to see it for him.

That would have been in the eighties, but even then, I don’t think I saw it in a movie theater, maybe just here at home. From what I can remember it was a good movie, I watched it with my wife and she loved it, too. There was a point during the movie where one of the girls walked in and they weren’t too fond of it, but they’ve probably changed their minds by now, I would think.

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