1950 Valley Falls, Rhode Island

11Feb - by Rzepecki, Jami - 0 - In 40s 50s Yale University

Frank Rzepecki


Valley Falls Rhode Island

Interviewed on Feb. 8th 2023

by Jami Rzepecki

The first movie I remember seeing, hmm, believe it or not I believe it was a Roy Rogers movie. No, I really can’t seem to remember the title, all I can remember is that it was starring Roy Rogers. I was somewhere around 7 give or take a year or two and it was in Valley Falls Rhode Island. From what I understand they’ve kind of consolidated it into Cumberland Rhode Island if you’re looking at a map. I couldn’t tell you a thing about the plot or what happened but I do remember him and his two handguns, with the white ivory pistol grips. I also remember thinking he was dressed very fancy with a shirt with intricate looking weaving and of course a cowboy hat. I can also vividly recall him on top of his horse “Trigger” (laughter), ah yes Trigger, I think that was the name of the horse. Out of all my memories that is what I remember best, him on his horse. Being a young boy at the time I really enjoyed it. It was just a good old classic Western where the good guys caught the bad guys. It was an exciting movie and I remember really rooting for them. However, I don’t remember the crowd being boisterous or clapping like they would often do. Roy Rogers was actually called the “King of the Cowboys” and that’s how they marketed him. His wife was also in the movie and they would make movies together all the time. 

I believe it was just me and my mother, I don’t remember anybody else but my mother taking me. We went together in a car (chuckles), too far to walk for her. Ah, the theater we went to! I believe it was called the Lincoln theater, like Abraham Lincoln. It’s easy to remember because it was the only theater in town and I used to go there a lot, yeah, me and my brother would go all the time. When it was just me and him we would actually walk, but like I said my mother refused, she was not a big walker, so she would always take the car and park right near the theater. After that first movie I always really enjoyed going to the theater and eventually came to gain a love for movies. Back then there was a new movie or two coming out every week and pretty much every weekend there was a new movie playing at the theater, so me and my brother and maybe some friends would go pretty much every time. Unless it was an adult movie, then my parents wouldn’t let me see it (laughs). 

There was a concession and I definitely remember getting popcorn. Mother actually gave me a choice between popcorn and candy and I chose popcorn. My family didn’t have a lot of money so it was always one or the other. I didn’t have popcorn often so I always looked forward to getting it when I would go. I wouldn’t say there was anything that was specifically my favorite part, maybe just being there at the movie. In those days they would play cartoons at the beginning of the movies which I always loved. So yeah, maybe just the cartoons, having the popcorn, watching Roy Rogers. I was with my mother. Just a good memory that I look fondly back at now. You know, those simple moments where you’re just content and happy, that’s what I felt and why I think I can remember the experience so well.

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